Intelligent prognostics and developing professional competencies
3rd joint call
SAF€RA has launched its third joint call for transnational, collaborative research projects. The call aims to foster collaboration between researchers from different countries in Europe and from different scientific disciplines, in order to improve safety and the management of technological risks. The call topics are:
T1: Big data and intelligent prognostics for life extension of aging facilities
T2: Developing professional competencies and learning from experience
Funding countries participating in this call are the Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and Spain (Basque country).
The total available budget for the 2016 call is approx. 1.6 M€. Two forms of funding are available:
research grants for researchers from universities, institutes, research organizations and public firms;
person-months for personnel from certain participating institutes and research organizations.
Most projects funded within this call will include 2 to 4 partners, for a duration between 12 and 36 months and funding between 20 and 150 k€ per project partner. The call aims to fund mainly applied research carried out in universities or research institutes, though contributions from industry are also eligible. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged. Cooperation and joint activities between different consortia funded within the call will be encouraged.
The 2016 joint call will use a two-stage application process with a pre-proposal mechanisms for the first stage. The calendar of the various stages is shown below.
Publication of the call - February 25, 2016
Deadline for submissions of pre-proposals - April 20, 2016
Information sent to applicants on results of the first stage. Requests for full proposals are sent to selected applicants, and collaborations proposed to single-nation applicants - April 29, 2016
Deadline for submission of full proposals - June 27, 2016
National funding decisions transmitted to applicants - September to October 2016
Projects start - October to December 2016, possibly early 2017
Project duration - 2016 to 2019
The following documents are available:
The Call text contains the scientific description of the topics concerned by the 2016 joint call.
The Guidelines for proposers contains the most important information for researchers wishing to submit a proposal.
The Guidelines for evaluators are written for the experts who will evaluate the projects, but will be useful to researchers wishing to understand the evaluation criteria.
The pre-proposal form is available in Microsoft Word (.doc) or OpenOffice/LibreOffice (.odt) formats.
Templates for the SAF€RA progress reports, which must be sent to the SAF€RA Call Secretariat by the project coordinator on behalf of the project consortium. The mid-term reporting template should be submitted halfway through your project, assuming the project has a duration greater than 18 months. A final administrative report should be sent by all projects, within three months of the end of the project. (This report is distinct from the final scientific report which most projects will be producing as one of their deliverables.)
A web-based matchmaking facility is available to help researchers wishing to submit projects as a consortium to find partners.
For general queries concerning the 2016 joint call, please email the call secretariat at Make sure you read the call documents above and check the list of frequently asked questions first.
If you have questions concerning the eligibility criteria of specific funding organizations, please check the contact information provided in the Guidelines for proposersdocument, which can be downloaded above
Jan. 24th 2017: final decisions on funding are available. Three projects will be funded in this call: two on topic 1 and the third on topic 2. The total budget of the funded projects is approx. 560 k€.
June 29th 2016: 12 full proposals have been received in the second stage of the call. These will undergo scientific evaluation over the summer, and the Call Steering Committee will meet in Rome mid-september to establish national funding recommendations.
April 25th 2016: 16 pre-proposals have been received in the first stage of this call, for a total requested funding budget of 2.8 M€.
April 19th 2016: TNO and RIVM, two Dutch SAF€RA partners, have decided to join the third joint call, funding person-months for their personnel.
April 12th 2016: New SAF€RA member IOSH has decided to join the third call, with a possibility to fund research using grants. IOSH may be able to fund some high quality projects for which the funding organizations sollicited are not able to fund the project.
SAF€RA’s 2016 call was published on February 25th.