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Coordination of European Research on Industrial Safety towards Smart and Sustainable Growth

Human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety

1st joint call

The SAF€RA ERA-NET on industrial safetyhas launched its first joint call for transnational research projects concerning Human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety. The call aims to foster collaboration between researchers from different countries in Europe and from different scientific disciplines, in order to improve safety and the management of technological risks.

Funding countries participating in this call are Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Serbia and Spain (Basque country and Andalucía).

  • The total available budget for the 2013 call was 3.4 M€. Several forms of funding were available:

    • research grants for researchers from universities, institutes, research organizations and   public firms;

    • man-hours for personnel from certain participating institutes and research organizations;

    • direct support and loans to firms for research and development activities.

    Most projects funded within this call will be relatively small (2 to 4 partners, duration between 12 and 36 months, funding between 40 and 150 k€ per project partner). The call aims to fund mainly applied research carried out in universities or research institutes, though proposals from industry are also eligible. Interdisciplinary research is encouraged. Cooperation and joint activities between different consortia funded within the call will be encouraged.

  • Publication of the call - September 23, 2013

    Deadline for submissions (single stage call) - November 29, 2013   

    Reply on proposal eligibility - December 10, 2013   

    Evaluation of eligible proposals - January 15, 2014   

    Recommendation for funding at a SAF€RA level - by the end of January 2014   

    National funding decisions- January to March 2014   

    Projects start - February to April 2014   

    Project duration - 2014 to 2016

  • The following documents are available:

    • The Call text contains the scientific description of the topics concerned by the 2013 joint call on Human and organizational factors including the value of industrial safety.

    • The Guidelines for proposers contains the most important information for researchers wishing to submit a proposal.

    • The Guidelines for evaluators are written for the experts who will evaluate the projects, but will be useful to researchers wishing to understand the evaluation criteria.

    • The response form is available in Microsoft Word (.doc) or OpenOffice/LibreOffice (.odt) formats.

    • Templates for the SAF€RA progress reports, which must be sent to the SAF€RA Call Secretariat by the project coordinator on behalf of the project consortium. The mid-term reporting template should be submitted halfway through your project, assuming the project has a duration greater than 18 months. A final report should be sent by all projects, within two months of the end of the project.

    A web-based matchmaking facility is available to help researchers wishing to submit projects as a consortium to find partners.

  • For general queries concerning the 2013 joint call, please email the call secretariat at Make sure you read the call documents above and check the list of frequently asked questions first.

    If you have questions concerning the eligibility criteria of specific funding organizations, please check the contact information provided in the Guidelines for proposersdocument, which can be downloaded above.


Projects funded in the 2013 call

  • Design and development of a simulation tool for decision making in the management of health   and safety based on Resilience Engineering, to promote a safety culture change process in MSW   treatment companies (ASSESS-RE-TOOL), coordinator LIMASA, Spain, in collaboration with project   (brought together by SAF€RA match-making process) Improving resilience in waste transports,   coordinator Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland

  • Development and validation of a KPI-based method and a user-friendly software tool for resilience-focused measurement of OSH   management system performance (KPI-OSH-Tool), coordinator CIOP-PIB, Poland

  • Exploring contributions of civil society to safety (ECCSSafe), coordinator Mutadis, France

  • Safety Preferences for Health-related Industrial Risks (SAPHIR), coordinator Toulouse     School of Economics, France

  • How to become a resilient organization manager, coordinator Institute for an Industrial Safey Culture, France       in collaboration with project (brought together by SAF€RA match-making process) Promoting       Safety as an emergent property of a resilient system, coordinator University of Genova, Italy

  • Leadership on safety culture as a key factor for improving contractors management,   coordinator i+3 Consultores, Spain

  • Socio Technical safety Assessment within Risk Regulation Regimes (STARS), coordinator VTT   Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

  • Success in the face of uncertainty: human resilience and the accident bow-tie,   coordinator White Queen BV, the Netherlands

  • Training for Operational Resilience Capabilities (TORC), coordinator SINTEF, Norway

  • Value of Safety (VaLoSa), coordinator Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finland

More information is available in the SAF€RA project database.

Updated: 2014-02-05

Some statistics on the 2013 call

  • 53 applications have been received

  • the sum of the budgets requested is 9.44 M€

  • the requested funding per project ranges between 7 and 817k€, with an average of 178k€

  • the average consortium size is 2.4 partners (range between 1 and 5, of which 18     “single-organization” applications)

  • applicant organizations are primarily from Spain (24), Finland (22), Italy (17), France     (14) and Norway (12)

  • 12 of the 53 proposals have been recommended for funding at the national/regional level

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